The Persian Version of The Beliefs about Losing Control Inventory (P-BALCI): A Validating and Factor Analysis in The Iranian Population

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Educational and Psychological Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Fars, Iran


The Beliefs About Losing Control Inventory (BALCI) is a self-report measure of negative beliefs about losing control, including three-factor dimensions. In this study, we assessed the factor structure, reliability, and validity of the Persian version of the BALCI (P-BALCI) among the Iranian population. A total of 336 individuals completed the Persian version of Beliefs about Losing Control (P-BALCI), the Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire-44 (OBQ-44), the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised (OCI-R), the Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI), Anxiety Control Scale-Revised (ACS-R), and the Desirability of Control Scale (DCS). Similar to the original version of BALCI, the results showed that the P-BALCI had a three-factor structure. The P-BALCI showed good reliability through Cronbach’s alpha coefficients (α=.91) and test-retest coefficients. Also, the P-BALCI had good convergent and divergent validity. The P-BALCI was also associated with elevated OCD symptoms above and beyond identified obsessive beliefs by the OBQ-44. The findings indicated that the P-BALCI is a reliable measurement scale for assessing beliefs about losing control in an Iranian sample.
